Which Author Wrote Novels Apon Which The Tv Series (All Creatures Great & Small) Was Based James Herriot Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
Who Co-Wrote (Yeoman Of The Guard), (Lolanthe And The Mikado) Gilbert & Sullivan Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
Who Is Novelist Helen Fieldings Most Famous Character? Bridget Jones Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
Who had decieved the Lord of Rohan for a number of years Wormtongue Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
Which American Artist Is Known For A Portarit Of His Mother James Whistler Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
What Is (Onomatopoeia) The Use Of Words Which Sound Like The Event They Describe, Such As Bang Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
Which Of Jane Austens Novels Was Publsihed Posthumously Persuasion Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
A painting movement that flourished in France in the 1880s and 1980s in which subject matter was suggested rather than directly presented. It featured decorative, stylized, and evocative images. Symbolism Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
The representation of inanimate objects in painting, drawing or photography. Still life Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
Which Shakespeare play contains the line 'if music be the food of love play on'? Twelfth Night Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
Name the author of his famous and only novel 'Doctor Zhivago', which presents a panoramic view of Russian society at the time of the 1917 Revolution. Boris Pasternak Art & Literaturekeyboard_arrow_right
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