
Random Questions Generator: Art & Literature

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Which Author Wrote Novels Apon Which The Tv Series (All Creatures Great & Small) Was Based 
James Herriot 
Who Co-Wrote (Yeoman Of The Guard), (Lolanthe And The Mikado) 
Gilbert & Sullivan 
Who Is Novelist Helen Fieldings Most Famous Character? 
Bridget Jones 
Who had decieved the Lord of Rohan for a number of years
Which American Artist Is Known For A Portarit Of His Mother 
James Whistler 
What Is (Onomatopoeia) 
The Use Of Words Which Sound Like The Event They Describe, Such As Bang 
Which Of Jane Austens Novels Was Publsihed Posthumously 
A painting movement that flourished in France in the 1880s and 1980s in which subject matter was suggested rather than directly presented. It featured decorative, stylized, and evocative images.
The representation of inanimate objects in painting, drawing or photography.
Still life
Which Shakespeare play contains the line 'if music be the food of love play on'? 
Twelfth Night 
Who Is Responsible For Painting The Mona Lisa 
Leonardo Da Vinci 
Who Painted The Creation Of Adam 
Name the author of his famous and only novel 'Doctor Zhivago', which presents a panoramic view of Russian society at the time of the 1917 Revolution.
Boris Pasternak
Who Wrote The Gothic Novel Dracula 
Bram Stoker 
Who writes the discworld novels?
Terry Pratchett
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