
Random Questions Generator: Art & Literature

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What was sherlock holmes most famous novel?
The Hound of The Baskervilles
This magazine features departments "Picks & Pans" and "Chatter"
What was Michelangelo's first name? 
Whose Autobiography Was Entitled (Dear Me) 
Peter Ustinov's 
Who wrote 'Alice In Wonderland'?
Lewis Carroll
Who Was William Shakespear's Wife 
Anne Hathaway 
He penned the founding novel of the utopian genre, "Utopia."?
Sir Thomas More
Who Is Noted For His (Nonsense Verse) 
Edward Lear 
The effect of the harmony of color and values in a work.
How Many Holes Are There On A Traditional Artists Pallette? 
A large painting or decoration done on a wall.
Who wrote the 'Dragonriders Of Pern' series?
Anne McCaffrey
Which book featured the miser Scrooge?
A Christmas Carol
Who Wrote The Play (Hay Fever) 
Noel Coward 
The Hardy Boys and ______?
Nancy Drew
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