In the Mystical Ninja series, who is Goemon's sidekick? Ebisumaru Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
The Minus World of Super Mario Bros. is a never-ending version of what stage? 2-févr. Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
How many fighters are playable in 'Street Fighter II'? 8 Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
Nolan Bushnell, creator of the first arcade game, also founded the video arcade chain now known as what? Chuck E. Cheese's Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
What entertainment product did Nintendo make before entering the video game business? Playing cards Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
Which brothers built a home-made supercomputer to calculate the digits of Pi ? Chudnovsky Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
In the game "Chrono Trigger," what is Lucca's mother's name? Lara Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
The Nintendo 64 was titled under what name during production? Project Reality Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
Which legendary games designer/producer created the Super Mario Brothers franchise for Nintendo? Shigeru Miyamoto Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
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