In Adventure, which castles require the bridge to explore fully? Black and White Castles Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
In Dead or Alive 2, Hayabusa informs you that "If your soul is imperfect," what? Living will be difficult Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
What is the development team at Nintendo headed by Shigeru Miyamotocalled? EAD Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
What is Celine Jules's (Star Ocean: The Second Story) favorite food? Baby rabbit risotto Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
In which Mega Man game did Mega Man first gain the ability to charge up his shots? Mega Man 4 Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
In Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, what animal does Mileena turn into in her Animality? A Skunk Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
What does the CAT in CAT-SCAN stand for? Computerised Axial Tomography Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
What number is the Pokémon "Scyther" in the Pokémon GameBoy games? 123 Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
What do you need to collect 100 of to get an extra life in Super Mario Bros.? Coins Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
Manjimaru is the main character of which game? Kabuki Klash Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
The Minus World of Super Mario Bros. is a never-ending version of what stage? 2-févr. Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
What item's sound effect was removed from Smash Brothers when it was ported from Japan to the United States The Beam Sword Technology & Video Gameskeyboard_arrow_right
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