
Random Questions Generator: Technology & Video Games

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In Adventure, which castles require the bridge to explore fully?
Black and White Castles
What was the first lighthouse ?
Pharos of Alexandria
In Dead or Alive 2, Hayabusa informs you that "If your soul is imperfect," what?
Living will be difficult
What is the development team at Nintendo headed by Shigeru Miyamotocalled?
What is Celine Jules's (Star Ocean: The Second Story) favorite food?
Baby rabbit risotto
In which Mega Man game did Mega Man first gain the ability to charge up his shots?
Mega Man 4
What was the Jaguar Car called before 1945?
In Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, what animal does Mileena turn into in her Animality?
A Skunk
What does the CAT in CAT-SCAN stand for?
Computerised Axial Tomography
What number is the Pokémon "Scyther" in the Pokémon GameBoy games?
What do you need to collect 100 of to get an extra life in Super Mario Bros.?
Manjimaru is the main character of which game?
Kabuki Klash
Which company made the original 'Donkey Kong'?
The Minus World of Super Mario Bros. is a never-ending version of what stage?
What item's sound effect was removed from Smash Brothers when it was ported from Japan to the United States
The Beam Sword
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