
Random Questions Generator: Entertainment

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The film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' )
Which of Paul Simon's musical characters was told to hop on the bus?
How many members are in the 'fairfield four'?
Mickey Mouse is known as what in Italy?
Who was the oldest member of The Beatles?
Ringo Starr
What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate?
Dustin Hoffman
Secret Identities: Jonn Jonzz
Martian manhunter
What was the first James Bond Film?
Dr. No
Name Donald Duck's girlfriend
John Travolta, Samuel Jackson, Uma Thurman starred in which 1994 Quentin Tarantino film?
Pulp Fiction
Who played the title role in the 1978 version of 'Superman'?
Christopher Reeve
Who was the frontman of Nirvana?
Kurt Cobain
Who sang Puff The Magic Dragon?
Peter, Paul and Mary
Russian modernist Igor _________
Name the band - songs include "Get Down & Get With It, Mama We're All Crazy Now"?
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