What first appeared beside the roads outside the houses of parliament in 1868 Traffic lights Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
The Ishihara Test Is Used To Determine Whether Or Not Somebody Is What Colour Blind Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
A skunk will not __________ and throw its scent at the same time. Bite Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
A rodent's teeth never stop growing. They are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other __________ Vegetable matter Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
Elephants perform greeting ceremonies when a member of the group returns after a long time away. The welcoming animals spin around, flap their ears, and __________ Trumpet Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
The electric organs in an electric eel make up four_fifths of its __________ Body Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
A __________ can squeeze through an opening no larger than a dime. Rat Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
Which Creature Has The Largest Brain In Proportion To Its Body? The Ant Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
Americans Call It A Caribou What Is It Called In Europe Reindeer Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
What is the heart rate of the blue whale? (in beats per minute) Nine Science & Naturekeyboard_arrow_right
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