
Random Questions Generator: Science & Nature

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What first appeared beside the roads outside the houses of parliament in 1868 
Traffic lights 
The Ishihara Test Is Used To Determine Whether Or Not Somebody Is What 
Colour Blind 
A skunk will not __________ and throw its scent at the same time.
What Is The Correct Name For The Adam's Apple 
The Larynx 
A rodent's teeth never stop growing. They are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other __________
Vegetable matter
Elephants perform greeting ceremonies when a member of the group returns after a long time away. The welcoming animals spin around, flap their ears, and __________
The electric organs in an electric eel make up four_fifths of its __________
Whats the technical name for the skull ?
A __________ can squeeze through an opening no larger than a dime.
Which Creature Has The Largest Brain In Proportion To Its Body? 
The Ant 
Americans Call It A Caribou What Is It Called In Europe 
What Colour Is The Mineral, Lapis Lazuli 
What is the heart rate of the blue whale? (in beats per minute)
What Is The Microwave Device In An Oven Called 
The Magnetron 
What name is given to animals which only eat meat ?
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