
Random Questions Generator: Sports & Leisure

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Which is the only country to have played in every World Cup since it started in 1930? 
Which American Football Team Won This Years SuperBowl (2006) 
New England Patriots 
Who Won The 800 Metres At The Moscow Olympics (1980) 
Steve Ovett 
Who Was Disqualified After Winning The Men's 100m At The 1988 Olympic Games 
Ben Johnson 
What sport has sprint, tandem and team pursuit events?
In Which Sport Might You Start From Pole Position 
Motor Racing 
Over How Many Laps Is The Indianapolis 500 Contested 
What Did Both Arsenal & Chelsea Have In 1928 That No Other Team Had? 
Numbered Shirts 
In Boxing What Is A TKO? 
Technical Knock Out 
What Colour Socks Do Chicago's Baseball Team Wear? (Chicago White Socks) 
What number is by the side of the number 16 on a dart board? (either Side) 
8 or 7 
Which Team Knocked Out Liverpool In This Years Fa Cup 
Who Has One The Most Mens Singles Tennis Titles 
Pete Sampras 
Who won the 2001 FA Cup?
Which British Boxer Was First To Win 3 Lonsdale Belts Outright? 
Henry Cooper 
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