
Random Questions Generator: Sports & Leisure

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In which city is the Hockey Hall of Fame located
This sport is called the "American pastime".
Who Were The First British Football Club To Have Under Soil Heating? 
In Which Sport Would You Be Awarded The Lonsdale Belt 
Which Dart's commentator is known for his hyperbole such as (Alexander The Great was 33 when he conquered the known world, Bristow is 27)? 
Sid Waddell 
How Many Numbers Are There On A Roulette Wheel 
37 - (0-36) 
Where were the 1928 Olympics held ?
Amsterdam, The NetherlandsERROR: Ret: amsterdam, (the netherlands|holland)
Which Country Won The World Cup First Germany Or Brazil 
How Many Consecutive Wimbledon's Men's Singles Titles Did Bjorn Borg Win? 
What sport has sprint, tandem and team pursuit events?
Who is known as (King Kenny)? 
Kenny Dalglish 
How many players are there on a water polo team?
A Silver Fern Is The Emblem Of Which Nations Rugby Union Team? 
New Zealand 
In What Year was (come on you reds) a no.1 single for Man Utd 
In 2006 Who Was Named As The Highest Paid Female In The World Of Sport? 
Maria Sharapova 
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