
Random Questions Generator: Art & Literature

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Who Wrote The Noddy Stories 
Enid Blyton 
Which Algerian Born French Authors Works Included L'Etranger & La Peste 
Albert Camus 
Who Wrote The Novels Slaughterhouse Five And Breakfast Of Champions 
Kurt Vonnegut 
Who was the author of 'Dracula'?
Bram Stoker
In 'Alice In Wonderland', who never stopped sobbing?
Mock Turtle
Frodo is chosen to deliver The Ring into the heart of what
Mount doom
Who wrote '1984'?
George Orwell
Who wrote 'Alice In Wonderland'?
Lewis Carroll
What Was The Title Of The First Ever James Bond Novel 
Casino Royale 
Which Outlaw Rode A Horse Called Black Bess 
Dick Turpin 
Which Nobel Prize Winner Wrote (A History Of The English Speaking Peoples) 
Winston Churchill 
Who wrote "Ender's Game" ?
Orson Scott Card
In Which Book Would You Find The Characters Desinov & Dolokhov 
Tolstoy's War & Peace 
Who wrote the book (Brave New World) 
Aldous Huxley 
Where is the Louvre located
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