
Random Questions Generator: Art & Literature

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In Which Book Would You Find The Characters Desinov & Dolokhov 
Tolstoy's War & Peace 
Who Wrote The Play (Hay Fever) 
Noel Coward 
Under What Pen Name Did Hector Hugh Munro Write 
The Famous Lithograph (The Scream) Was Created By Which Artist 
Edvard Munch 
Which Algerian Born French Authors Works Included L'Etranger & La Peste 
Albert Camus 
Spanish modernist and cubist Pablo _____
Who Designed The Album Sleeve For The Rolling Stones LP (Sticky Fingers) 
Andy Warhol 
Who Penned the Novel 'The Pelican Brief' That Was Made Into A Film Starring Julia Roberts And Denzil Washington? 
John Grisham 
Who wrote the threepenny opera?
Bertolt Brecht
"The Diary of Anne Frank" was first published in English under what title?
The Diary of a Young Girl
Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'Mr & Mrs Dursley of number 4 Privet Drive were proud to say that they were perfectly normal' 
Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone 
Stephen King's: "Salem's _________".
What Was Shakespeare's First Play 
Henry VI 
The representation of inanimate objects in painting, drawing or photography.
Still life
Who wrote '1984'?
George Orwell
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