The mathematical study of properties of lines, angels, etc., is ________. Geometry Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle? 91 Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
What is the name given to the number equal to 10 raised to the power of 100? A "googol" Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be Circle Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
A triangle with two equal sides is called __________. Isosceles Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
What is the maximum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle? 359 Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an acute angle? 89 Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be? Circle Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) _______. Median Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
An angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees is a(n) ________ angle. Reflex Mathematics & Geometrykeyboard_arrow_right
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