
Random Questions Generator: History & Holidays

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21 October 1805 Is The Anniversary Of Which Famous Battle 
In what year did man first set foot on the moon
Which British alternative band takes its name from a character in the film To Kill a Mockingbird ? 
The Boo Radleys 
Who denounced Stalin?
Who played an elf called Patch in the film 'Santa Claus the Movie' 
Dudley Moore 
Who Was the Queen Of The Iceni Tribe Of England Who Led An Uprising Against The Romans? 
When Are Werewolves Expected To Appear 
When There Is A Full Moon 
What band got their name from the sixties movie Barbarella? 
Duran Duran 
What company made PacMan? 
Bally Midway 
Who is recognised as the father of geometry?
In What Year Was Abraham Lincoln Assasinated 
The world was declared safe from which virus in 1979, after it had killed more than 1 billion people? 
On What Date Is Saint Stephens Day Celebrated 
26th Dec 
Chrissie Hynde was in which early eighties group? 
The Pretenders 
Who was the cult leader of the Waco Siege in 1993? 
David Koresh 
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