
Random Questions Generator: Technology & Video Games

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What is the reason behind the layout of the Qwerty keyboard ?
To slow down typing rates
How many buttons (excluding the control pad) did the original NES controller have?
What does the acronym COBOL stand for?
Common Business Oriented Language
What is the name of the cloud-riding, glasses-wearing koopa in the Super Mario Bros. series?
What entertainment product did Nintendo make before entering the video game business?
Playing cards
Who created the music for N2O: Nitrous Oxide?
The Crystal Method
Who is the boss of the SNES game, 'Ranma 1/2: SUPER Hard Battle'?
What is Ozzie's hyper sister's name in the original 'All-C Saga' game?
What was the first version of Microsoft Windows to have networking capabilities?
Windows for Workgroups
What is Mario's profession?
Who is the main character from Nintendo's 'Earthbound'?
What number is the Pokémon "Scyther" in the Pokémon GameBoy games?
What is a "koopa?"
A turtle
What is the development team at Nintendo headed by Shigeru Miyamotocalled?
What is IRC an acronym for?
Internet relay chat
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