
Random Questions Generator: People & Places

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Which English comedian's real name is Bob Davies? 
Jasper Carrott 
Which Politician was Nick Named Bambi 
Tony Blaire 
Who was the Director of the C.I.A during 1976-77 ? 
George Bush 
Which Hollywood Star Sparked Outraged In 2006 When They He Declared That He Planned To Eat The Placenta Of His Then Unborn Child 
Tom Cruise 
What Is The Most Common British Surname 
Which Tory Author Won substantial Damages From The Daily Star 
Jeffrey Archer 
What was Madam Tussaud's First name ? 
Which Famous actress Once Said: ' I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house '? 
Zsa Zsa Gabor 
Whose Real Name Is 'Arthur Stanley Jefferson' 
Stan Laurel 
Who Once Said Of The Navy 'It's Only Traditions Were Rum, Sodomy & The Lash' 
Winston Churchill 
Which King Reputedly Tried To Turn Back The Sea ? 
King Canute 
For What Is Peter Roget Famous 
His Thesaurus Of Words 
Who In Music Is Known As The Boss 
Bruce Springsteen 
Which Movies Star Was Famous For The Phrase 'You Dirty Rat' 
James Cagney 
Which British Prime Minister was also the longest serving MP at almost 62 years? 
Winston Churchill 
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