
Random Questions Generator: People & Places

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What Nationalaty Was Hans Christian Andersen ? 
According To Marilyn Monroe What Was The Only Thing She Wore In Bed? 
Chanel No.5 
Who Was The Young German Who Landed His Plane In Red Square ? 
Mathias Rust 
Who Was Banned In Germany, Italy & The USSR In The 1930's 
Mickey Mouse 
Who Was Born And Also Died During Halley's Comet Passing ? 
MArk Twain 
Who Said Of Touring Pakistan 'I Wouldn't Even Send My Mother In Law There' 
Ian Botham 
Whose Last Words Were Reputedly, 'ET TU BRUTE' ? 
Julius Caesar 
Which Politician Is Known As Tarzan 
Micheal Hestletine 
What Is Princess Diana's Madien Name ? 
Who was The First Man To Run A Mile In Under 4 Minutes 
Roger Bannister 
Which Argentine Prop Was Sent Off For Knocking Out An English Second Row With A Punch 
Carlos Mendes 
What Was Judge Jefferies Nickname ? 
The Hanging Judge 
Who is Paul Mc-Cartneys Fashion Designer Daughter 
Stella McCartney 
Who Or What Is The Actress Uma Thurman Named After 
A Hindu Goddess 
Who Founded The Playboy Magazine? 
Hugh Hefner 
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